Monday, May 3, 2010

Playing Catch up...

Long time no see!
Wow, it's been a while. So the monkey is 18 months old now...can you believe it? I can't. Not long until we're celebrating birthday number 2.
Texas is still the current plan...husband submitted his application for transfer and we are hoping to hear on it soon.
I decided (in order to motivate myself) that we won't remove my Mirena (aka. try for baby numero dos) until I've got my license. Husbands response to this epiphany? Let me play it out for you:

Me: "So, I've decided not to take the Mirena out until I get my license. There's no way I can survive with two babies and no way to get around."

Husband: "So, when did you decide we aren't having any more kids?"

Me: ".................... Ouch."

Husband: "Hahahahahaha....oh me."

That last part is embelished a bit, but whatevs. You get the gist.
And yes, I am 20 years old and still without ever having had a license. No real driving experience to speak of. Still in need of therapy (most likely) to get over the driving fears. But come on! Have a little faith husband huh?
I'm back to painting, and loving it. I've found a style I really like. I've never painted anything cartoony, it's always been realistic, even if it's kind of abstract...but this is a cartoony style and like I said, I'm loving it. I ran out of paper though. :( So I'll have to wait until this weekend to finish the one I'm working on.

Okay, well monkey just woke up, so I'm off!