Yeah, so pretty much I have wayyy too much free time on my hands and like to play around with Word and Paint. So sue me! Anyway, it is nearly autumn (or Fall...barney songs come to mind...ahh get it away!), nearly monkeys 1st b-day (hurray!), and past due time for a family photo or two. Lucky me I have a super cool mom-in-law who got me a gift certificate to a really neat local photography studio, lemondrops photography. And (small world) I found out I know the photographer, she's the daughter of my late father's ex-brother-in-law-turned-best-friend. Yup. How much does that rock? About as much as the dress I found for the monkey on Etsy! Feast your eyes upon this beauty

And once I found monkey's dress I just had to go perusing for deals on autumnal wear for husband and I. Yes sir, I said autumnal wear. Should it be hyphonated? I don't know. Is hyphonated mis-spelled? I don't know. Am I getting distracted due to it being past midnight? I don't know, but probably.
What was I saying again? Oh yeah, so here are some things I was looking at (all for me to wear to match monkey without looking matchy matchy. After getting husbands opinion I went with the green sweater, which he chose based on the fact that I'll wear it most because I happen to love that spring green color.
And what will husband be wearing? A plain, solid-colored, v-neck brown sweater. Yep yep. We're going to look like one spiffy little fall-flavored family. LOVE it!
Oh! And before I forget, we're also getting monkey's 1 year pic's taken. But not traditional 1 year pics, no no...cake smash 1 year pics.
Yes, you heard me correctly, cake smash pics.
And just what is a cake smash photo session?
Well, first of all there's a grand example on Jenica's lemondrop gallery under "Fun Stuff", but here's the general idea:
You pick a color scheme. You buy your little munchkin a cute little diaper cover in a color from said scheme (and for munchkins of the female variety perhaps a bow as well).
Then, Jenica has a cake decorator she works with who will make a cake featuring said color scheme. Jenica chooses a solid colored background. She then places munchkin in front of cake and proceeds to snap perfectly amazing photographs before and during the destruction of that lovely cake.
The perk? Well aside from awesome pics, munchkin gets a faceful of cake for free, as the cake is included in the session price (an awesomely low $45.00).
Yep, cake smash. Fun for all, and all for fun.
Lemondrops Photography: here
EDIT: Lemondrops Photography has been doing extremely well since this post. And, well, prices have adjusted accordingly. The photography style is amazing, but as of January 2013, you are looking at a minimum of $125 for a session, AND a minimum of $250 towards prints and packages. That's minimum. For example, a newborn session is $575, and in order to get a maternity session which costs $275, you must also purchase a newborn session. And those prices don't include the cost of prints. So please keep that in mind if you take a stroll over to her site from here!