100 by 30

Update 1-2-21: I'm currently 31 and just marked a bunch of things off this list. Go me :) 43 1/2 down by 31 isn't so bad.
I've also done some noteworthy things that aren't listed like: survive a pandemic, homeschool three kids (currently happening), was asked to do chalkboards for some local businesses (was a short little business adventure), bought a pool, got three cats and a fish, have survived 3 ADHD kids with sanity mostly intact, speaking of which survived a complete mental breakdown, followed that with two years of therapy and about a year on anti-depressants, FINALLY SETTLED DOWN we've lived here almost 5 years, spent a year doing weed edibles every day (which led me to the very necessary mental breakdown and getting the help I really needed), drove to Seattle (in the dark, in the rain, in a panic) and survived, took the youngest sis on college tours, broke up with toxic people in my life, reconnected with my BFF and started monthly date nights pre-pandemic, at one point I was getting 200+ views on my instagram stories and SEAL, THE Seal, with the blue check mark was following them for a minute (I have the screenshots); had wild hair for a minute (did blonde, pink, blue, purple, pink again, then red, and now am currently using henna every so often to revitalize it from the bleach and am going back to my natural color); got back down to my pre-baby high-school weight; ballooned up to my current size 12 and am actually more happy than I was at my thinnest (gotta get a move on though, haha); got really into astrology and can explain some of it to lay people, and many, MANY other things. 
I've realized It's likely I'll never be able to afford to do many of the things on this list, the traveling mostly. And that's okay. I've also realized that knowing and loving yourself is the most important thing you can do. And that a big part of that is often, unfortunately, not being well liked. But you gotta be true to you. 


I've realized that I am a person with little to say that describes me. I don't really have any hobbies, and I only recently started working...there's just not a lot of things to say about myself. Not that I'm not an interesting person necessarily, just...all of the interesting things about me are in my head. So I decided to make a goal list of things to do before I'm 30. There are 100 things here, but if I do 50 of them I will be happy!
So without further ado:

1. Have baby #2 IN PROCESS :) + baby number 3!
2. Live in/right next to a big city
3. Take lots of pictures
4. Get fit will need to be redone post baby
5. Eat more healthily still need to continue though!
6. Learn to cook daily
7. Learn to drive & get my license
8. Own a VW bug
9. Find the career I want
10. Go to school
11. Do something in design either for work or play
12. Get settled somewhere...anywhere in process!
13. Visit Europe
14. Go on a road trip
15. Celebrate an anniversary in Disneyland (where we had our honeymoon)
16. Do at least 10 craft projects from my Pinterest board
17. Go dancing with our friends
18. Pay back our families for all their help
19. Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter
20. Read more
21. Only have clothes I actually like and will wear
22. Learn photography
23. Get an awesome camera for my now awesome photog skills
24. Get a tattoo (or two)
25. Learn photoshop
26. Own the home we live in
27. Visit Australia
28. Take Lexi to Disneyland
29. Live in/right next to the beach
30. Take Jewell and Katie to China
31. Cook a Thanksgiving Dinner Christmas Eve dinner counts!
32. Get a degree
33. Go to a concert
34. Own a bike and ride it at least once a week
35. Learn to shop on discounts and deals
36. Get a sewing machine
37. Learn to sew
38. Knit something of use
39. Throw a great baby shower
40. Plan or help plan a wedding
41. Have a barbecue with all our friends in our own home
42. Show Alexis another culture
43. Take Alexis to a farm
44. Have a family pet
45. Make a quilt
46. Give lex a room that matches her personality
47. Learn yoga
48. Have christmas at home
49. Have family meditation time at least once a week
50. Visit India
51. Surprise someone with something awesome
52. Experience another culture with Cameron that he enjoys
53. Visit Indonesia (Bali) with Jenessa and Katie
54. Visit Cameron's family castle in Scotland
55. Drink Irish Cider (Bulmers) in Ireland
56. Visit a friend in a big city
57. Breast feed for a year
58. Write a book or short story
59. Go blonde
60. Be a redhead
61. Create something for Lexi that she wants
62. Do enough christmas baking to share with others
63. Be able to give everyone a gift we're proud to give at christmas
64. Spend a holiday at a soup kitchen as a family
65. Help/sponsor/donate to someone we don't know
66. Bring in an income doing something I love
67. Learn to garden
68. Be able to eat veggies or fruit we've grown ourselves
69. Be actively less selfish
70. Have a big Halloween party
71. Go to a ball or similar fancy dance
72. Cook at least 10 recipes from my Pinterest board
73. Go to a renaissance fair with the family, & dress up!
74. Go camping
75. Go on a vacation just us 3 we actually did one "just us four" :)
76. Go on a vacation with our friends
77. Learn to Ski or snowboard
78. Go to Hawaii with Cameron
79. Spend time in the country doing country things
80. Keep a journal for a year
81. Read Dracula, Dante's Inferno, and/or another classic Alice in Wonderland
82. Grow rosemary by my garden gate
83. Grow lavender, english roses, peonies, and/or poppies...just because I love them.
84. Accomplish my vanity goals (white teeth without whitening, tan without tanning beds, etc.)
85. Create a comfortable, safe, pleasant space for my family to come home to
86. Bake a fancy cake
87. Bungee jump
88. Sky dive
89. Celebrate our 10 year anniversary some special way
90. Go to our 10 year reunion
91. Make good with people from my past
92. Visit Prince Edward Island in Canada
93. Visit Maine (and if possible Connecticut, Vermont, & Rhode Island)
94. Go to New York
95. Run my own business
96. Organize our whole house top to bottom
97. Join a gym
98. Yell as loud as I can from a roof top, in a field, or in the woods
99. Learn to shoot a bow and arrow
100. Climb a tree

Just writing this list actually reminded me of some things I have done. Like going to Costa Rica and China, getting married at 17, and having alexis. Or owning a house at 21. So it's already made me feel a bit better! Still, I'd like to get some of these things accomplished, and I NEED to get some of them also! (Like my license) (check!)
Wish me luck!

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