Everyone in the family is either sick or getting over being sick. :( Two little girls down the street who got sick at the same time as the monkey were diagnosed with pneumonia so we took her to the doctor yesterday and (YAY!) she's actually getting better. Tonight we watched The Cosby Show after dinner (the first time for the monkey) and she loved it. She wanted to watch it again, "one more time mommy!" It was very cute.
Tomorrow starts our weekend, I'm very excited! When husband gets home from work tonight we will probably watch a Roswell episode or two before hitting the hay. Then tomorrow we begin shopping for new flooring tile for the entryway/kitchen/bathroom/laundry room (the new house we bought wasn't well taken care of and the linoleum that is everywhere is terribly chipped, scuffed, and marred). It's a project we've been saving up for and I'm so excited to finally get started on it! It's the last thing to be done in the entryway, the first thing to be done in the bathroom which needs a major overhaul, and the last thing for now in the kitchen although eventually we plan to completely remodel it. It's all about taking it one project at a time. Slowly but surely our poor little 1939 mill-family home is becoming more beautiful and comfortable. The hardwood floors we did (ourselves!) in the living room are particularly wonderful. :) Who would have thought that at 21 I would about to celebrate my 4th anniversary with my wonderful husband, have a lovely 2-year-old girl, and own my own home?
I'm the luckiest woman in the world, bar none.
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