My daughter is the funniest.
My daughter is the smartest.
My daughter is the brightest.
My daughter is the friendliest.
The smiley-est.
The orneriest.
The strongest.
The silliest.
My daughter is the most independent.
The most defiant.
The most confidant and care-free.
Lexi is 2 ½, and she is already all these things.
To me anyway. To us. To our family.
She is so beautiful from the inside out.
And not because she’s obedient, or attractive, or doll-like.
Not because she is “girly”, or feminine, or quiet.
She is some of those things, and she is not some of those things.
But she is beautiful because she is purely her.
Just Lexi.
Her defiance can be exasperating, but also entertaining, and her daddy and I will laugh quietly to each other once she’s in time out and can’t see us.
Her silliness is sometimes incomprehensible, but beautiful to watch, and often the meaning or reason for it comes later, and show us her intelligence.
Her confidence and inner strength is so fantastic. I can’t imagine having it myself. I hope she holds onto that forever.
Her intelligence is beyond her years. Literally. Her speech, motor-skills, dexterity, all are beyond her age group. And she uses them to
Yes she is smart. Extra smart.
She can formulate full paragraphs, tell stories, explain to you why she is upset and how she thinks you should fix it. She can tell you she’s sorry and why she’s sorry.
She can count to 13, point out the letters O, C, W, S, and E in any random word or sentence, and she’s learning more all the time. Here at home with us.
So despite all of this, I have no intention of putting her in some fast-moving advanced-placement program as early as possible.
I want her to enjoy her childhood by just enjoying it.
Her smiley, scrunchy, angry, wide-eyed face brings more joy to my life than I’d ever thought that there would be.
And I love her.
For every smile, every scowl, every expression of false-surprise. For every tear, tantrum, and laugh. For every moment of joy or frustration she brings to us.
For the good and the bad.
A child will change your life forever.
I love mine.
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